Rolfing® Iowa


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First session release

Posted on 05/24/2015 at 1:37 PM

Take a look at these great animated before and after pictures from my clients first session and notice some of the changes-a little less flexion in her thighs and nice lift in her torso and chest as her head rests more easily on top of her shoulder girdle and her forward head position is reduced . Creating verticality with support, providing education while working together toward common goals, makes the Rolfing® Structural Integration process participatory, engaging and uncommonly effective.  Contact us and make your appointment today. 

Bringing the lumbars back

Posted on 04/20/2015 at 1:53 PM

You can see in these animated before and after pictures from a single session a nice improvement in the direction of the lumbar spine as it moves posteriorly back in space allowing a shift all the way up his body through the shoulders, neck and head. His torso is stacked over his pelvis with more balance and his head is better positioned on the shoulder girdle with a lengthened posterior neck which allows the trajectory of his eyes to be more on the horizontal than tilted upward. In the before picture when the lumbar spine is positioned more anteriorly it makes my client appear heavier than he actually is. One of the benefits of going through the Structural Integration process is that by redirecting the connective tissue clients look better(often slimmer) and feel better, too. I am making it easier for clients to enroll in a series by giving flexibility to choose the sessions for themselves, family or friends in any combination.  Contact us and make your appointment today. 

Proprioception Again

Posted on 04/04/2015 at 2:07 PM

Here are some nice shifts from these animated before and after pictures from a single session.  My client in his profession spends a lot of time on the phone and so the way he holds the phone creates a pattern in his body reflecting some of the imbalance. You can notice in the after picture the different orientation in his left side starting at the foot working all the way up his body to his head. There is less lateral turnout as his leg medially rotates to a more parallel position with support. Some of the patterns in our bodies are helped significantly from our own awareness of what we are doing with them and then modifying and changing positions to repattern our own structure.  Structural Integration suggests to clients that by being more aware with what they are doing with their body in their day to day activities can translate into helping them change some of the issues that have brought them into a session. Structural Integration bodywork combined with body awareness is an intelligent course of action to take.  I am making it easier for clients to enroll for a series by giving flexibility to choose the sessions for themselves, family or friends in any combination. Contact us and make your appointment today. 

Upslipped Hip

Posted on 01/24/2015 at 5:13 PM

Here are some nice animated images from a single session and my client is showing a pelvic upslip on her left side.  She had been using a heel  lift in her right shoe for the last 30 years and is no longer using it after going through a Structural Integration process with me. You can notice her hips become more horizontal and the right side of her body lifts all the way up and her head is better balanced on her shoulder girdle. In my client base I have a significant number of people who have spent a relative fortune on a variety of lifts they can put in their shoes. In the Structural Integration process we come from the belief that we can change or lengthen the connective tissue so that is some circumstances the lift that clients are placing in their shoes are no longer necessary. It is also inconvenient to transfer the lift from one shoe to another considering most people have quite a few pairs of shoes. I have made it easier to go through a series by allowing packages that can be used individually or by families and friends in any combination. Contact us and make your appointment today. 

Boston Marathon in April

Posted on 01/20/2015 at 5:13 PM

Nice shift in these before and after pictures from a single session in my client who is an avid runner and getting ready for the Boston Marathon in April.  In the Structural Integration work we try to create horizontal hinges with the most verticality with support that a client can maintain. In these pictures you can see how his hips become more horizontal and his head moves up and to the right with a much clearer centerline. Creating a more aligned structure should be beneficial no matter no matter what sport or activity you are in involved in. Working with the integration theme requires involvement of the client and a commitment to practice more self-awareness on how they are creating patterns in their own body so that they have more ability and freedom to create new patterns that are more beneficial to all the things they might be involved in- running, walking, biking, swimming and all the things we do in motion including sitting. Contact us and make your appointment today. 

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