Rolfing® Iowa


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Combination Kyphosis-Lordosis Posture

Posted on 10/28/2012 at 11:21 AM

In this example you can see my client before her 1st and after the 5th session showing transformation from a problematic distortion in posture which is a challenging task to remedy. After her 5th session her head is better positioned on the shoulder girdle and there is much less rounding of the shoulders and considerable less flexion in the thoracic spine as well as less hyper extension at the knee joint. The next piece of the puzzle is bringing the lumbar spine back to lessen the hyper extension. Working with clients this way is engaging and participatory with the idea of the whole body connection from head to foot. Rolfing® Structural Integration  is a powerful combination of manual manipulation and education that the client can take with them after their session is over. One does not need a complicated situation to benefit from this kind of work and I encourage all to try a session to see what Rolfing® Structural Integration can do for them!


Posted on 08/03/2012 at 11:22 AM

A textbook example of the kind of change that is possible with a client in a first session in these before and after pictures.  Kim shows significant lift and more balanced extension of her structure after her first session.
Structural Integration is an educational experience and is a shared process that is active between the client and
the practitioner. Rolfing® Structural Integration operates from the belief that bodies can change structurally and goes about the business of integrating these changes for more balance and often less pain.

Emerging Rolf Line

Posted on 07/09/2012 at 11:24 AM

The emerging Rolf line starts to take shape in these before and after pictures of my client Annette after her second session. There is much less posterior tilt of the pelvis which gives her more horizontality and translates to more ease and better function in a contra-lateral gait pattern in her movement. Explore what Rolfing® Structural Integration can do for you by taking advantage of July's special offer for new and existing clients that are friends on facebook.

Creating Lift

Posted on 06/02/2012 at 11:25 AM

Working with professional triathlete T.J.Tollakson and showing in a picture format the kind of shift possible in a single Rolfing® session. Rolfing® Structural Integration is unique in its perspective  and most all people know after a single session if they like the work and want to pursue it at their own pace. Regrettably many people have not had an introduction to this kind of work and so I am offering my facebook friends an opportunity in JULY for 20% off their fist session and for current clients that are also a facebook friend I am extending the same offer to them and including for those clients a 30 minute STOTT Pilates equipment session.

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