Rolfing® Iowa


Femoral Acetablular Impingement


After having surgery for femoral acetabular impingement in early December 2012 professional triathlete TJ Tollakson began the process of rehabilitation. These before and after photos from a session approximately a month after surgery in January 2013 show how the right leg after the session was more able to fully ground or extend and give weight. When an area is injured through impact trauma or surgery it can be a slow process to feel confident in using the area that was damaged. The Rolfing® Structural Integration process of working with the client is unique with its focus on the fascia rather than the individual muscles. One does not need to have surgery to benefit from Rolfing® as it is both educational and participatory. People have come from all ages and backgrounds to find how this kind of work has improved their performance in daily activities.

03/25/2013 11:17 AM
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